Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy 2007 from the Hairy Canaries!

You are now about to read the ramblings of three Radelaideans currently pimpin´ out in the Hairy Canaries. :) :) :)

We just wanted to arse you a question, actually no we wanted to wish you a very merry new year. This time, we´re not drunk or stoned (yet), in fact we´re sadly sober in touristville, which would be Cala Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Espanol. Yeehar!

We are staying in a little town called Famara, which doesn´t have much to offer besides surfing, but is away from the tourist hordes, and hence perfect. Therefore, logically, we have been surfing (read trying our arses off, although we actually look the part which is good!), drinking, driving (not together, you might spill your beer!) and generally having a nice relaxing time enjoying some sun. Beats London any day.

Yesterday we invented a new form of experimental travel*: stalker travel. This is comprised of the following...

Observation: stupid tourists throwing rubbish out of their hire car window.

Hypothesis: f**king americans!!! (the theory posed by Goat Boy, questioned by Splacker, and supported by Fangio. A bet was made and the alternative travel method was born).

Apparatus: hire car, camera and bravado.


1. Follow said car until their first stop, approximately 45 minutes down the road.
2. Approach suspects with caution, yet optimism and intrigue.
3. Brandish camera and act like Japanese tourists, ie you are trying to take your own picture and require assistance. Choose a random, uninteresting backdrop.
4. Ask said suspects if they would kindly take the photo for you.
5. Make random conversation in order to determine their nationality. Subjects could include the weather, name of their pet, how much their hire car cost, and/or sexual orientation (all of these work wonders for determining nationality).

Results: The accent was clearly NOT American, to Goatboy´s eternal lament. They were from f*$&ing Sheffield. Bloody whinging poms!

Anyway. So that was our adventure yesterday. We rounded off the day with a delicious meal of local seafood...mmmmmmm.......seafoooooooood :)

Today after arising early to get in some surfing before having to return the wetsuits and boards, and finding that the surf was shite, we decided to hit the road (Jac) and cruise around. The island is easily navigable in one day, being so small, so its perfect. 60km long and 25 wide as a matter of fact. The island is really interesting, all volcanic and desolate and with the shiny white buildings and clear blue sea, it is an unusual and beautiful place of contrasts.

We are now about to embark upon a mission to determine the opening hours of Timanfaya National Park over New Years and then to hit the beach for some totally tubular and bodacious barrels dudes. Taste the burrito!

So after NYE we are heading to Morocco for a few more experimental travel adventures. We want suggestions, like Paris Hilton wants.....

Jac, Pange and Nath. :) :)

*Experimental travel: a concept where travel is not undertaken via the usual means, and the way in which sightseeing is undertaken is determined by a number of random factors. For more information, please consult :)

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