Saturday, December 23, 2006

101 things to do with millet, terrible travel woes and other stories

Mali was beautiful, I loved it, although after all the travel sagas I had I just hired a guide to take me around instead of my usual 'do everything myself'. it probably cost twice as much as if I did, but I was just so pissed off and tired and didn't want to have to think about organising anything!
I travelled from Bamako to the port town of Mopti and the island city of Djenne, which has the biggest mud mosque in the world. The mosque is really beautiful, an amazing structure that has to be re-rendered after each rainy season. Bamako is just a massive market, pretty crazy but still great. I really liked Mopti as well, the port is really busy and interesting. Spent a fez hours on canoes on the Niger River; the lifeblood of Mali. Then I did 5 days of trekking in Dogon country, which was amazing. Villages built into the cliff face, which runs for about 100kms. I made it as far as Nombori, not to Tomboctou though. The only bad thing was that my guide was totally in love with me and I had to fend him off the whole time!! arrrghh! Made life interesting... I apparently could have got a wedding ceremony in Djenne mosque by paying the Imam...not sure if it was really true but I almost said yes just to find out.

And I tried almst every variation of cooking there is using millet wheat which, along with onions in Dogon country, they grow everywhere; bread, pancakes, millet milk ... the list goes on ;)

...and then I thought the travel sagas couldn't get worse.....i got to paris airport about 24 hours earlier than I expected because my flight left at 1am from Bamako, so I tried to get on a flight to london a day earlier....they said yes because of delays to flights due to fog, but it meant I had to wait around in the airport...from 9:30 til 6pm, waiting news, the British Airways staff deserted the desk so no-one knew what was going on...finally when they told us the flight would board at 6 I thought I would try and get my replacement ticket from the air france desk, but it meant I had to go outside the departure lounge, which meant that the announcements of boarding times didnt get broadcast so I didn't hear it....and then I got through all the paperwork to get the ticket and when I went to pay my card had no cash left.... ahh f*$%! so all that time spent at the desk; and then I couldn't get the ticket, and almost missed my flight to London! I was the last person to board.... but I luckily made it. Shit. it was so stressful! I fully bawled my eyes out on the plane. I am still recovering! but it is nice being with my family again for Xmas, it had been a long time since I saw them. Mum, Dad and Dan are embarking on some travels of their own around Britain and Europe. We are going out for my brother's 21st on Xmas Eve in town tomorrow night and also catching up with some good mates which will be great.

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