Sunday, July 9, 2006

Airport, boring!

I'm currently sitting in Brussels Airport trying to kill the six hour stopover ...blah... but at least I'm on my way to Kenya.

I can't wait for my workshop to finish so I can have a week's holiday. Shopping in the markets, climbing Mount Kenya, checking out Nairobi... ahh I love it! It will be a nice change from Liberia.

I'm a bit weirded out just from being back in civilisation here in the airport - everything is too shiny! It's a strange feeling after being in Liberia, which is a lot more rough around the edges.

We sat in the airport terminal last night and watched the world cup final on the tiny, fuzzy tv set...hehe! Unfortunately we didn't get to see any of the penalties (we had to get on the bloody plane, d'oh!) but I bet it was exciting. I must say that I am rather annoyed that Italy won. They are such drama queens.

Well, my internet time is out. Must go.
Take it easy-oh!

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